Power Programmierung
Power-Programmierung (Tewi)(1994).iso
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Assembly Source File
353 lines
; File VGAZOOM2 - 1280*400 VGA driver procedures
; Written by Arun Johary & Bo Ericsson,
; Chips & Technologies Inc.
; This file is not executable as stand-alone.
; After assembling, link it with VGAZOOM.OBJ,
; then convert to .COM with EXE2BIN.
; Resulting VGAZOOM.COM is a TSR for implementing 1280x480 mode,
; with zooming to/from 640X480 mode and panning.
LORES equ 0
HIRES equ 1
public DRAWCHR
public SETMODE
public EndOfProgram
code segment para public 'code'
assume cs:code
SETMODE proc near
; This procedure programs the VGA registers for one of two
; modes depending on AX
; AX = HIRES -- high resolution 1280*400 monochrome mode
; AX = LORES -- 640*400 monochrome mode
push cs ; DS = CS because parameter tables
pop ds ; are in the current segment
cld ; clear for subsequent auto increment
cmp ax, HIRES ; Hires mode ?
jne SetMode01 ; if no, test for LORES mode
lea bx, HTABLE ;HIRES table selected
jmp SetTheMode ;program the parameters
SetMode01: ;Test for LORES mode
cmp ax, LORES ;LORES mode ?
jne SetMode_End1 ;invalid parameter, return to caller
lea bx, LTABLE ;lores table selected
jmp SetTheMode ;program the parameters
jmp SetMode_End
SetTheMode: ;Sync reset while programming mode
mov dx, 3C4H ;sequencer address
mov ax, 0200h ;sync. reset
out dx, ax ;write the register
;Set miscellaneous output register
mov dx, 3C2H ;miscllaneous output register address
mov al, [bx+9] ;table value for Misc Output Register.
out dx, al ;write the register
;Set sequencer registers 01-04
mov dx, 3C4H ;sequencer address
mov cx, 4 ;4 registers to write
mov ah, 1 ;start with register 1
mov si, bx ;beginning of parameter table
add si, 5 ;point to sequencer params in table
call W_IndexRegs ;program the registers
;Get out of synchronous reset
mov dx, 3C4H ;sequencer address
mov ax, 0300h ;out of reset mode
out dx, ax ;write register
;Unprotect CRT controller
mov dx, 3D4H ;crtc address
mov ax, 011h ;vertical sync end register
out dx, ax ;set protect bit (D7) to 0
;Set CRT controller registers 00-18
mov cx, 25 ;25 registers to write
xor ah, ah ;start with CRTC register 0
mov si, bx ;beginning of parameter table
add si, 10 ;point to CRTC parameters in the table
call W_IndexRegs ;program the registers
;Set Graphics controller regs 00-08
mov dx, 3CEH ;graphics ctrl address
mov cx, 9 ;9 registers to write
xor ah, ah ;start with GC register 0
mov si, bx ;beginning of parameter table
add si, 55 ;point to GC parameter in the table
call W_IndexRegs ;program the registers
;Set Attribute controller regs 00-14
mov dx, 3DAH ;Status register address
in al, dx ;reset attribute flip-flop
mov dx, 3c0h ;attribute ctrl address
mov cx, 20 ;20 registers to write
xor ah, ah ;start with register 0
mov si, bx ;beginning of parameter table
add si, 35 ;point to Attr. Ctrl params in table
call W_Attr_Regs ;program the registers
mov al, 14h ;write to Attribute color select reg
out dx, al ;(not stored in parameter table)
xor al, al ;data = 0
out dx, al ;write data
mov al, 20h ;reenable video
out dx, al ;write the index reg to reenable video
;Set external palette
mov dx, 3C6H ;Palette mask register
mov al, 0ffh ;enable all 8 bits
out dx, al ;write the mask
mov dx, 3C8H ;Palette address register
lea si,[bx+64] ;point to palette parms in table
xor ah,ah ;start at palette reg 0
mov cx,4 ;set 4 colors
call W_Palette ;program the palette registers
SetMode_End: ;end of this procedure
; These two tables provide parameters for programming VGA hardware
; in each of two modes.
HTABLE label byte ; parameter table for 1280*400 mono mode
db 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h ; Dymmy header
db 005h, 00Fh, 000h, 00eh ; Sequencer offsets 01-04
db 063h ; Miscellaneous register
; CRT Controller offsets 00-18h
db 05Fh, 04Fh, 050h, 082h, 054h, 080h, 0bFh, 01Fh
db 020h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h
db 09ch, 00eh, 08Fh, 014h, 060h, 096h, 0b9h, 0abh, 0FFh
; Attribute Controller offsets 00-13h
db 000h, 001h, 002h, 003h, 004h, 005h, 006h, 007h
db 008h, 009h, 00ah, 00bh, 00ch, 00dh, 00eh, 00Fh
db 001h, 000h, 003h, 000h
; Graphics Controller offsets 00-08
db 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 020h, 005h, 00Fh, 0FFh
; DAC Palette registers 0-3
db 000h, 000h, 000h ;reg 0: black
db 01ah, 01ah, 01ah ;reg 1: grey
db 01ah, 01ah, 01ah ;reg 2: grey
db 02ah, 02ah, 02ah ;reg 3: white
LTABLE label byte ; parameter table for 640*400 mode
db 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h ; Dymmy header
db 011h, 00Fh, 000h, 00eh ; Sequencer offsets 01-04
db 063h ; Miscellaneous register
; CRT Controller offsets 00-18h
db 05Fh, 050h, 052h, 0e2h, 054h, 0e0h, 0bFh, 01Fh
db 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h
db 09ch, 00eh, 08Fh, 014h, 060h, 096h, 0b9h, 0a3h, 0FFh
; Attribute Controller offsets 00-13h
db 000h, 001h, 002h, 003h, 004h, 005h, 006h, 007h
db 008h, 009h, 00ah, 00bh, 00ch, 00dh, 00eh, 00Fh
db 001h, 000h, 001h, 000h
; Graphics Controller offsets 0-8
db 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 005h, 00Fh, 0FFh
; DAC Palette registers 0-3
db 000h, 000h, 000h ;reg 0: black
db 02ah, 02ah, 02ah ;reg 1: white
db 02ah, 02ah, 02ah ;reg 2: white
db 02ah, 02ah, 02ah ;reg 3: white
DRAWCHR proc near
; this procedure draws a character on the screen in the graphics
; mode; parameters are expected to be as follows:
; AL: -- char code
; BX: -- bit map width
; DX: -- font height (8 bits only)
; DS:SI -- Disp Mem pointer
; ES:DI -- Font pointer
push cx ;save CX
mov cx,dx ;get char height in CX
mul dl ;AX gets font offset for character
add di,ax ;ES:DI gets font address for font
mov ah,es:[di] ;read font pattern
mov ds:[si],ah ;write into display memory
inc di ;next line of font pattern
add si,bx ;next line in display memory
loop LABL0 ;repeat for every scan line
pop cx ;retrieve CX
W_INDEXREGS proc near
;This procedure reads a byte from the parameter table and then
;writes it to a index/data register.
; AH = index number of first register to receive parameter
; CX = # of index registers to be loaded
; DX -- I/O port address,
; DS:SI -- points to parameters
lodsb ;load parameter from table into AL
xchg al, ah ;get index in AL, data in AH
out dx, ax ;write index/data register pair
xchg al, ah ;get index in AH
inc ah ;next index
loop W_IndexRegs ;repeat
W_ATTR_REGS proc near
;This procedure reads a byte from the parameter table and then
; writes it to a self index/data register.
; AH = index number of first register to receive parameter
; CX = # of index registers to be loaded
; DX -- I/O port address,
; DS:SI -- points to parameters
xchg al, ah ;get index in AL
out dx, al ;write index
xchg al, ah ;get index in AH
lodsb ;get data from table in AL
out dx, al ;write data
inc ah ;next index
loop W_Attr_Regs ;repeat
W_PALETTE proc near
; This procedure reads a byte from the parameter table and then
; writes it to the G171 palette/DAC. DS:SI -- point to parameters,
; AH = starting index number,
; CX = # of index registers,
; DX -- I/O addr of DAC address reg,
; DS:SI pointer to data area
mov al,ah ;get start index number
out dx,al ;send it to address reg
inc dx ;point to DAC data reg
W_pal1: lodsb ;load data parameter
out dx, al ;write red data
lodsb ;load next data byte
out dx, al ;write green data
lodsb ;repeat w/blue data
out dx, al
loop W_Pal1 ;repeat w/next palette reg
RD_INDEXREG proc near
;This procedure reads an indexed VGA register
; Input: AL = index number of register
; DX = I/O address of register
; Ouput: register contents returned in AL
out dx,al ; write index
inc dx ; point to data register
in al,dx ; read data register
dec dx ; point to index register
VERT_SCROLL proc near
; This procedure scrolls the screen up or down by a specified number
; of lines; parameters are expected to be as follows:
; AX -- scroll count, # scan lines in 2's complement form,
; negative for scroll down
; BX -- bit map width
imul bx ;AX = bytes to scroll
mov bx,ax ;save start address change in BX
mov dx,3d4h ; CRT address
mov al,0ch ; start address high
call Rd_IndexReg ;read register
mov ah,al ;move to AH
mov dx,3d4h ; CRT address
mov al,0dh ; start address low
call Rd_IndexReg ;read register
add bx,ax ;add change to old start address
mov ah,bh ;to get new start address, write the
mov al,0ch ;high byte back to CRTC
out dx,ax ;write new start address (HIGH)
inc al ;point to start address LOW register
mov ah,bl ;get lower byte of start address
out dx,ax ;write new start address (LOW)
HORIZ_SCROLL_4 proc near
; This procedure scrolls the screen left or right by a specified
; number of pixels. Parameters are expected to be as follows:
; AX -- scroll count, # pixels in 2's complement form,
; positive - scroll right, negative, scroll left.
mov bx, ax ;save scroll count
mov dx,3d4h ; CRT address
mov al,0ch ; start address high
call Rd_IndexReg ;read register
mov ah,al ;move to AH
mov dx,3d4h ; CRT address
mov al,0dh ; start address low
call Rd_IndexReg ;read register
mov bp,ax ;save current start address
mov dx,3d4h ; CRT address
mov al,08h ; byte panning control
call Rd_IndexReg ;read register
mov cl,2
shr al,cl ;divide by 4
and al,18h ;retain bits D3 and D4 only
mov ah,al ;save in ah
mov dx,3DAH ;Status register address
in al,dx ;reset attribute flip flop
mov dx,3C0H ;address for attribute controller
mov al,33h ;Panning Control
out dx,al ;point to attribute panning register
inc dx ;point to data register
in al,dx ;read current byte panning control
dec dx ;point back to Attr Ctrl address
and al,7 ;retain bits D0-D2
add ah,al ;get old absolute panning control
mov al,ah ;move to AL, 0 into AH
xor ah,ah ;Absolute panning in AX
add bx,ax ;compute new absolute panning
mov ax,bx ;get it into AX
and al,7 ;retain bits D0-D2
out dx,al ;write new attribute pan control
mov ax,bx ;new absolute pan control in AX
mov cl,2
shl ax,cl ;multiply by 4
mov ah,al ;save in AH
and ah,60h ;retain bits D6-D5
mov dx,3D4H ;CRTC address
mov al,8 ;index for byte panning control reg
out dx,ax ;write new byte panning control
mov cl,5
sar bx,cl ;start address adjust
add bx,bp ;new start address
mov ah,bh ;upper bits go into start address
mov al,0ch ;Start Address high register index
out dx,ax ;Write start address high
inc al ;Start Address low index
mov ah,bl ;low byte of start address
out dx,ax ;Write start address low
EndOfProgram label byte
code ends